Friday, February 17, 2012

{Grammar} ____[으]면 - If [sentence],then[sentence]

If You can't Afford PUMA - 푸마를 살 여유가 없다면

'-[으]면'is used to express a condition.If the verb or adjective ends in a consonant,'-으면' is used. If it ends in a vowel,'-면' is used.
*when a stem ends in 'ㄹ',just '_면'is added : 놀다=> 놀면, 만들다=>만들면

앉+으면 ; 앉으면 편해요 - If you sit,then you will be comfortable.
읽+으면 ; 책을 읽으면 좋아요 - If you read books, then it's good.
가+면 ;  집에 가 보통 자요-If I go home, then I usually sleep.
만나+면 ;  친구를 만나 영화를 봐요 - If I meet a friend, then we watch a movie.

A: 시간이 나 뭐해요? If you have free time, what do you do?
B: 시간이 나 운동해요. If I have free time, I work out.

A: 돈이 많으 뭐 하고 싶어요? If you have a lot of money, what do you want to do?
B: 집을 사고 싶어요. I want to buy a house.

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