Sunday, December 4, 2011

{Grammar} Particles - 가,이 [Subject Particle]

가/이 [Subject Particle]

The Particle 가(ga) marks the subject of a sentence when the subject ends with a vowel. The alternative form 이(yi), on the other hand, is added to nouns ending with a consonant.

  • 먹었다(Naega meog-eossda) = I ate (It wasn't anyone else but me)
  • 동생 마셨다(Dongsaeng-i masyeossda) = Younger brother/sister drank(It wasn't someone else but them)
  • 민지 왔다(Min-jiga wassda) = Min-ji came (It wasn't some other person but Min-ji)
  • 안토니 갔다(Anthonyga gassda)= Anthony went (It wasn't some other person but Anthony)
  • 저것 한강이야(Jeogeos-i hangang-iya) = That is the Han River
  • 빌딩 높다(Bilding-i nopda) = The building  is high
  • 공원 넓다(Gong-won-i neolbda) = The park is large/spacious

마시다 = drink
동생 = younger brother/sister
먹다 = eat
민지 = Min-ji (a female name)
오다 = come
안토니 = Anthony
가다 = go
저것 = that
한강 = the Han River (in Seoul)
빌딩 = a building
높다 = high
공원 = a park
넓다 = spacious, large

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