Saturday, December 3, 2011

{Grammar} Particles - 는, 은 [Topic Particle]

는/은 [Topic Particle]

는 (Neun)/은(Eun) are particles which indicate the topic of a sentence. 는(Neun) is used for nouns without a final consonant, and 은(Eun) for nouns with a final consonant.
The following are example sentences using 는(Neun)/은(Eun), the topic particle.

학생이다(Naneun hagsaeng-ida)= I am a student
  는(Neun), the topic particle, is attached to the end of 나(Na)=I, which means the pronoun "I", to show that the topic is about "I"
  • 학생이다(Naneun hagsaeng-ida)= I am a student
  • 친절하다(Geuneun chinjeolhada) = He is kind
  • 이것 연필이다(Igeos-eun yeonpil-ida) = This is a pencil
  • 하늘 높다(Haneul-eun nopda) = The sky is high
  • 그녀 공부한다(Geunyeoneun gongbuhanda) = She studies 
  • 갔다(Jon-eun gassda) = John went

나(Na) = I (pronoun)
학생(Hagsaeng) = a student
그(Geu) = he
친절하다(Chinjeolhada) = kind
이것(Igeos) = this
연필(Yeonpil) = pencil
하늘(Haneul) = sky
높다(Nopda) = high
그녀(Geunyeo) = she
공부하다(Gongbuhada) = study
존 = John
가다(Gada) = go
영수 = Young-su (a male name)
먹다(Meogda) = eat

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